Paying for my care

Learn how your insurance works or how to use other payment methods to get connected with mental healthcare.

Mental health providers

Learn what type of provider is the best match for your needs.

Online therapy

Learn more about the benefits and drawbacks of online and in-person therapy. Find what’s right for you!

Picking My Personal Therapist: Ensuring a Safe Space for You

When taking that first step to reach out for help, picking your therapist can seem like a stressful task. It is crucial to note that finding a therapist or health care provider that makes you feel safe and comfortable is nothing to be ashamed of. There should be no feelings of guilt in this process and it is totally valid to keep looking for a therapist that fits your needs.

Caring for you while you connect

MiResource is here for you to find a mental health care provider that is beneficial to your needs, but that process can take time. Here are some strategies for dealing with stress and mental health while we connect you to a provider.